Day Camps

Grades 1 - 6

Day Camp 2024

Date Price Grades 1st-6th
June 10-14 $285 Completed
June 17-21 $285 Completed
June 24-28 $285 Completed
July 1-5 $285 Completed
July 8-12 $299 Completed
July 15-19 $299 Completed
July 22-26 $299 Completed
July 29-August 2 $299 Completed
August 5-7 *3 Day $199 Full


Day Camp (Grades 1-6) is our non-overnight summer camp program.

Day Campers will have lots of fun and, along the way, build great new relationships, explore valuable life lessons, and learn new ways to grow in their relationship with God. We want to offer the best possible experience for every camper, so we intentionally structure age-specific programming throughout each day.

The daily 8:30am-4pm schedule includes all the best new and classic elements of camp.

Adventure activities like the giant swing or climbing wall, arts and crafts, waterfront time, banana boating, and a ton more! While campers are trying out a new activity, talking with their counselor, winning a carpetball tournament, or eating lunch with their friends, they’re learning about themselves, each other, and God.

Every week of day camp is purposely programmed to be different from the last.

Many campers come for multiple weeks of Day Camp, so the activities and Bible lessons change throughout the summer so that campers can keep learning and trying new things. Whether your camper comes to one week or many, they’re sure to learn, grow and have a blast!

Day Camp Schedule

From the moment your camper jumps out of the car each morning, they are welcomed into new experiences, relationships, fun and growth. Day Camp offers age-appropriate activities and lessons that provide campers with the very best experiences. Although each day is a little unique, every one includes a session where campers sing their favorite songs with the worship team and learn about the ‘big idea’ of the week. Each week includes trips to the camp store, waterfront time and adventure activities. Our programs are unique for each age group of campers as well. To learn more about what a typical day of camp looks like, you can read more through the button below.

Summer Camp Days

Day Camp


  • Drop Off
  • Snack and Welcome
  • Morning Activity
  • Morning Session with Worship


  • Lunch
  • Afternoon Activity
  • Team Time
  • Canteen
  • Pack Up
  • Check Out

Late Night Option

Does your camper love camp so much that they wish they could stay just a little bit longer? Well we have the option for you! Day camp late night offers campers the chance to stay at camp till 6:00 p.m. instead of the typical 4:00 p.m. pick up. For campers who stay for late night, they will get to do a fun activity with staff and have dinner at camp. Sign up for individual days for $20 each or sign up for the whole week for $80.

Learn more


Age Groups: 

We want to offer the best possible experience for every camper, so we intentionally structure age-specific programming throughout each day. We create teams of campers of similar age in order to facilitate an age appropriate experience for all campers. There are plenty of times in the day where everybody is together, making it a great opportunity for siblings, neighbors, and friends to be at camp together! 

Note that the grade for our camp programs is based on the upcoming (2024-2025) school year. Therefore, during the summer, Day Camps (1st-6th Grade) will be filled with campers who have just finished K-5th grade. 

With that in mind, we build intentional elements into the schedules to allow kids to learn, grow, and have fun. 


All day campers have the chance to participate in waterfront activities, choose an adventure activity, visit the camp store and engage with different elective options. Electives are age-appropriate, skill-based options during the week where campers can choose from things like Aquatics, Adventure, Arts and Crafts or Active skills. All electives are chosen at camp by the camper to encourage independence and character development. While at camp, they will build relationships with their team and counselor, learn about the Bible together, and get the opportunity to learn and try new things. 

Arrival and Departure Information

Arrival and Departure Information

Check-in occurs each morning. For reasons of safety and security, specific information regarding arrival and departure is sent directly via email to registered campers only. Please call our office with any questions. 

Upon arrival to check-in, our staff will greet you at your car and you will go through our drive-through check-in process. 

Check-out occurs in the afternoon.

Late arrival or early pick-up is not recommended and should be considered only in extreme circumstances. If you must arrive late for any reason please call our office in advance so we may prepare for your arrival. Early pick-up can be arranged at check-in. We will not allow a camper to be picked up and dropped off more than once during the camp day because of the negative experience that it has on your camper and other campers.


A variety of routes make Covenant Harbor accessible from any surrounding area. Our address is 1724 W Main St., Lake Geneva, Wisconsin. See our Map and Directions page for detailed arrival instructions.

Family Night

Families are invited to join us after check-out on the Thursday of your *week of camp! Come meet your child’s counselor and learn about their week at Day Camp. Enjoy a potluck style dinner with us. Let us know by check-out on Tuesday of your week of camp if you will be joining us! If you plan to join, please bring a side to share or a dessert (no nuts, please!). 

*Family Night is only scheduled for our 5-day Day Camps. 

Camper and Family Surveys

Before your camper leaves camp or when you return home, we ask them to fill out a survey. Once they are home, we want to hear from you after you and your camper have had a chance to debrief. These surveys are important as they help us learn how to better serve campers and their families.

What to Bring

Packing List:

Campers should have a range of clothes for any weather. Clothing should allow campers to be active. Include closed-toe shoes for activities and water shoes for swimming. A backpack or tote bag makes it simple to carry items to and from camp. A detailed packing list will be sent after you register along with the parent manual.

What NOT to Bring: 

Do not bring cell phones or any pets, electronic devices (including CD players, game systems, and iPods), personal sports equipment, firearms, weapons of any kind, fireworks, tobacco, alcohol or drugs.

If your camper has a cell phone, please leave it at home. Camper who bring a cell phone to camp may be dismissed from the camp program.

*Please note that peanuts/tree-nuts or peanut/tree-nut products are not allowed.

Spending Money:

Prior to camp (recommended) and at check-in, you will have the opportunity to deposit money in your camper’s spending money account. Campers have the opportunity to visit the camp store each day.  Depositing spending money allows your camper to make choices without having to keep track of any cash.  The store carries candy (.25-1.50), snacks (.25-2.00), drinks (.50-2.00), souvenirs (.25-25.00) and clothing (5.00-45.00).  Campers are only allowed to go to the store once each day and are limited per day on the amount spent on candy and snacks. We do not limit water or Gatorade.

Mission Project: 

Throughout the week, campers will learn about this project and will have the opportunity to donate a portion of their spending money (between $0-$5.00) to our mission project.

Helpful Information

Food Service Information:

As part of your Covenant Harbor registration, lunch and a snack are included daily for your camper.

How to register:

You can view information about summer camp registration and available discounts through the button below.


Summer camp availability:

You can view the most up to date availability for each week and program for summer camp 2024 through the button below. Please note that this page is updated twice a day, however, some information may be different through the online registration form.


Summer Frequently Asked Questions:

If you still have questions about Covenant Harbor, summer camp, registration or other things, please read through our Frequently Asked Questions.


Camper Health and Safety: 

If you would like to read about Covenant Harbor’s health and safety information for the summer, you can read that information below.


Contact Us:

If you cannot find the answer to your questions online, or if you have additional questions or concerns, please contact our office at 262-248-3600 or by email. Thank you!

"My favorite part was making new friends and hanging out with old friends." -Summer Day Camper

"Camp helped me grow in my relationship with God." -Summer Day Camper

"I want to come back because of the friends I make." -Summer Day Camper