Summer 2024 Theme
2024 Theme Curriculum Outline: Side by Side
John 1:14 “So the Word became human and made his home among us. He was full of unfailing love and faithfulness. And we have seen his glory, the glory of the Father’s one and only Son.”
From the first words in the very beginning of the Bible and through all the stories, adventures, and wonderful moments, the story that is being told is of a God that is with us. The Bible, all of its stories, are telling about God and what God has done. At the center of all of it, is a man named Jesus. Everything leads to him, stories of waiting for Jesus to not go far away or run the other direction, but to enter in, to be near, to be with us. In the calm morning and stormy night, in celebrations and isolation, God is right by our side. God is constantly in the business of being near his people, “Side by Side” with us all.
Whether that is opening a Bible for the first time, hearing a new story about Jesus, praying out loud with a group, asking new questions, or even deciding to follow after Jesus, we want to create a space for campers to take those next steps in faith. This summer, we are embarking on a journey “Side by Side” with Jesus! Throughout the summer, we’ll be learning about how God wants to be “Side by Side” with us because that’s how he created us to be. We’ll explore stories of how trustworthy and good God is. And we’ll dive into how being “Side by Side” with Jesus changes us. There is so much to say about what this summer will hold but we are so excited for this theme of “Side by Side!”