Prayer Partners 2016
Support for Covenant Harbor can take many forms. We’re so blessed to have an incredible group of people who donate their time and talent, and offer financial support. As summer comes around again, we’re enlisting people who believe in camp ministry at Covenant Harbor to support us in another way as well. We want you to be one of our prayer partners 2016 group for the summer. Prayer partners will be praying for and encouraging summer staff as they serve the thousands of campers that will come through Covenant Harbor’s summer camps.
Members of our summer staff come from schools around the country including North Park University, Hope College, Olivet Nazarene University, and Taylor University. Summer staff pour out so much of their energy and God’s love during the summer, and they do it all so campers can know Him. To be sustained for a summer of giving so much, prayer is a necessity.
We’re hoping that, on a daily basis during your prayer time, you’ll pray for a specific member of summer staff or for our summer staff in general. Pray for what the summer staff will need lots of throughout the summer: energy, strength, endless compassion, humility, hearts full of love. Be open to whatever else the Lord lays on your heart. We will also be updating this post with specific ways to pray for summer staff.
If you are willing to pray for a specific summer staff member, please click the “Request Information” button on the right of the page and fill out the form indicating you want to be part of our prayer partners 2016 group. When we receive your completed form, we’ll send you a name, a few facts, and the address of an individual summer staff member that you can pray for specifically. All we ask is that you commit to praying regularly for that person.
Many of our prayer partners choose to show summer staff support in additional ways as well. You’re welcome to send extra encouragement to your summer staff members in the form of letters, cards or care packages throughout the summer.
Thank you for your support and for being a part of our prayer partners 2016 group!
Prayer Request – Week 1: “This week, pray for the summer to kick off well with extra energy (for the staff!) and wisdom. The campers are asking a lot of questions!” -Youth Ministry Staff
Prayer Request – Week 2: “Pray for courage for staff and campers alike – courage in sharing the Gospel and courage in trying new things!” -Youth Ministry Staff
Prayer Request – Week 3: “Pray for continued community development among our Summer Staff. People are getting tired, initial adrenaline is wearing off and our staff need to rely on each other. Pray that God will strengthen friendships and pull together a team that continues to positively reflect the body of Christ!” -Youth Ministry Staff
Prayer Request – Week 4: “This week, please pray that our Summer Staff see frequent reminders of why they are here: to share the gospel while giving kids an incredible week (we say “Love Kids, Share Jesus”). All levels of Summer Staff work take a physical and emotional toll, and it can be a huge challenge until that moment when you’re reminded by an experience with a camper that this is such valuable work. Our staff are doing so well, and we want to see that continue. We’re counting on God to honor their hard work with His presence!” -Youth Ministry Staff
Prayer Request – Week 5: “Pray for our Summer Staff to maintain the wider focus needed during busy days. It can be easy to fall into routine at camp and forget some of the bigger purpose of the week. Pray that the necessary smaller details can be approached with care and intentionality, all a part of Loving Kids and Sharing Jesus!” -Youth Ministry Staff
Prayer Request – Week 6: “We are reaching the long stretch of summer, so pray for our staff to find energy and strength to push through and keep loving kids and sharing Jesus!” -Youth Ministry Staff
Prayer Request – Week 7: “We are praising God for a great summer, and our staff are continuing to show they were each called here for a reason. Pray for rest and health when the temperatures get hot and the days are long.” -Youth Ministry Staff
Prayer Request – Week 8: “The end of summer is quickly approaching, with this as our last full week of camp. Pray that our staff do not loose focus and continue to make camp exciting and fun and new for this week’s campers.” -Youth Ministry Staff
Prayer Request – Week 9: “This week marks the transition away from camp back to school or work for our summer staff. Pray for the summer staff to have space to process all the things God has done in and through them this summer, and for the ability to celebrate those things together at the end of the week while still focusing on creating a great experience for the campers here now. We are thanking God for a summer with a record number of registrations and a great group of staff who formed community at this place this summer!” -Youth Ministry Staff
Blog post by Brad Hutchison.