Prayer Partners 2015

Be a part of our prayer partners 2015 group this summer! This group of people will be praying for the summer staff as they serve the thousands of campers that will come through Covenant Harbor’s summer camps. Many of you already support this camp financially, through volunteering, and in many other ways. Being a part of this prayer partners group is another great way to support your camp.

These summer staff members come from colleges and universities like North Park University, Hope College, Olivet Nazarene University, and Taylor University. During summer camp, they pour out their all of their energy and God’s love so that campers can know Him. Prayer is necessary to sustain them throughout the summer.

Prayer Partners for Covenant Harbor's Summer Camps

We ask that on a daily basis during your time of prayer that you pray for a specific staff member or for the summer staff in general. Pray for energy, strength, endless compassion, humility, hearts full of love and anything else that the Lord puts on your heart. This post will be updated on a regular basis with prayer requests from specific summer staff members, too.

If you are willing to pray for a specific summer staff member, click on the “Request Information” button on the right of the page to fill out the form. From there we’ll send you a name, a few facts, and the address of an individual summer staff member that you can pray for specifically. All we ask is that you commit to praying regularly for that person.

If you’d like, you can also send extra encouragement to specific summer staff members through:




Whether you pray for an individual or more generally for the summer staff as a whole, we’d like to thank you for your support and for being a part of our prayer partners 2015 group.

Specific Prayer Requests:

– June 4, 2015:The counselors are arriving tomorrow!  Please pray for safety and that the community of staff can kick off well.” -The Youth Ministry Team

 June 16, 2015: “Week #1 campers are having a great time and God is providing a beautiful sunny day. Please pray that He reveals himself in unique ways to campers this week!” -The Youth Ministry Team

-June 25, 2015: “Week #2 has been amazing! Life change is taking place. Fun is being had. Please pray for energy for our staff.” -The Youth Ministry Team

Blog Post by Kelly Zuiderveen