Antwan Williams Memorial
Antwan was an early recipient of a GOLF for kids scholarship and a camper at Covenant Harbor for many years. As a staff member, he was one of the most requested counselors in camp’s history and a highly respected member of our summer staff community.
While studying architectural technology for three years at Purdue University and spending summers at Covenant Harbor, Antwan sensed a call to begin exploring a career in ministry and thus, attend Covenant Bible Collect (CBC). Following graduation, he was offered to join the CBC staff as the dean of men. In an email to the Covenant Harbor staff the week prior to his unexpected death, Antwan notes, “I truly appreciate all of you for all that you have done for me. This goes to show that the scholarship money that I received as a kid, those summers of coming to camp, showed me the love of Christ more than words could have. Your investment in my life has been part of shaping my life.”
On Saturday, May 20, 2006, Antwan Williams dies at the age of 22 in a car accident near his hometown of Gary, Indiana. Antwan’s story is a testament to the impact that a GOLF for kids scholarship can have on a camper’s life. With the permission of the Williams family, GOLF for kids bears Antwan’s name to honor his legacy as a camper and beloved staff member which carries on as a testimony of God’s transforming love made known to a child through a unique camp setting.
Thank you for making camp experiences possible for kids.