Thank you to our summer volunteers.

Thank you to our summer volunteers. 
We are officially heading into the final days of summer camp at Covenant Harbor. This has been a summer full of really great moments. More than anything, we are officially ending a summer of much-needed ministry! In the midst of all the uncertainty in the world, we are thankful for that simple fact.

Today, we want to shine a light on all the volunteers who helped make this summer possible! We knew early on that we would need many volunteers throughout the summer to pull off everything we had planned, and the Lord provided the right people at the right time, over and over again.

Over the nine weeks of summer camp, more than 75 volunteers served in various capacities. Volunteers came for a few hours, for the day or even a week to the help lifeguard, beautify the grounds, assist with check in and check out, support the medical staff and help with administrative tasks to give our youth ministry team breathers amidst the higher-than-usual demands of this summer camp season. A few volunteers took an entire week of vacation from their full-time jobs to volunteer as camp counselors again. Some arrived with the intention of serving one week, but joined the summer staff team and worked the rest of the summer.

Volunteer story 
Bobby Becker was an alumni summer staff member (2012-15) who returned to serve as a Kish counselor for three weeks. Bobby, a former Kish program director, shared the following reflection about the summer: “​​Kishwauketoe is a wonderful program. The campers are little, but you can see God move in the ways the kids become more comfortable in themselves, with each other, and learn that with God is a safe place to be. I watched kids come in nervous and try things that at first seemed scary to them.”

Additionally, Bobby said he really enjoyed serving alongside the summer staff this year. He mentioned that, “One of the craziest parts about counseling this summer was that I got to serve alongside a counselor who had once been my camper in Pier 30!” 

On top of all the volunteers who were counselors this summer,  many jumped into other unique positions at camp.  A few pastors volunteered for a week. These pastors cared for both campers and summer staff, providing emotional and spiritual care. Additionally, many volunteer medical professionals came throughout the summer to ensure that extra health and safety protocols were followed and additional care was available as needed. We are grateful!

One volunteer’s reflection about camp this summer affirmed the ministry’s ongoing impact. This volunteer said,  “Covenant Harbor has changed over the years, but it is still centered around the same mission. The goal has always been to love kids and share Jesus.”

Many thanks to everyone who volunteered to serve camp this summer and joined that mission!