A Word of Thanks from Our Executive Director
A word of thanks
At the start of 2020 I could not have imagined what was in store for Covenant Harbor. The twists and turns, highs and lows of operating a camp during a global pandemic have aged me in dog years. Yet, my heart is filled daily with gratitude for what God has provided to and through His ministry at Covenant Harbor.
I am thankful for the prayers of our friends who are rooting for this camp.
I am thankful for our wonderfully loyal, capable, and mission-focused staff, who have risen to the occasion at every opportunity.
I am thankful for the generosity of our donors and volunteers that sustain us when things are unstable.
I am thankful for the campers and guests who we have been able to serve this year.
I am thankful for new paths to follow and unexpected people and opportunities along the way.
God is GOOD and we have HOPE. As Paul tells us in Romans 5, we know that when faced with challenges, we aren’t stuck there forever. Our Provider uses struggle to draw us near to Him. Through struggle we can learn perseverance, from perseverance we gain experience, and from our experience, hope. This has been true for us at camp. God’s love has been poured out to us and we do have hope in the days to come.
Thank you, dear friends, for the many ways you support this ministry. We pray that you and your family will also feel God’s provision this season and we look forward to the day when we’re together again.
On behalf of the Covenant Harbor team, happy Thanksgiving.
Eric Anderson
Executive Director